The Piping Plover, an endangered species, should be returning to Lake Huron’s shoreline within the next two weeks. This will be the eighth year in a row that this small shorebird has nested on Bruce County beaches. Last year there were five nests. To assist with the recovery and ongoing protection of this species, Stewardship […]Read More
Tags : nature
We just received a notice in the mail from Environment Canada, that they are proposing a Recovery Strategy to conserve the threatened Jefferson Salamander. Areas of critical habitat, which are important for species recovery, are proposed in this strategy. Lands near the Niagara Escarpment are especially hospitable for salamanders and of course most other […]Read More
We’re pleased to be a featured sponsor of Halton Eco Fest in Oakville. Admission is free, so drop by the Glen Abbey Rec Centre on Third Line and cruise around seeing all the different exhibitors. You’ll be fascinated by the birds of prey, exotic animals and reptiles. You might even be able to handle some […]Read More
The play Beautiful Joe features Ryan Boyko as “Joe” and Mackenzie Muldoon as “Laura.” Thank you so much for your amazing magazine Niagara Escarpment Views! I would never have found out about Beautiful Joe and Meaford’s Beautiful Joe Park. Your article, “A Place for Joe”, tears were rolling down my face when I read it. I will […]Read More
We recently received a comment by Laurie Adams of E’Terra, in response to a posting from last year, about the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy’s [EBC] 2012 Monarch Butterfly Festival. You can see that post and Laurie’s recent comment here. But because that posting from last year is unlikely to be seen by anyone now unless they search […]Read More
Summer time & the living means bugs! Here is some info from our advertiser Phantom Screens: Homeowners often put a great deal of thought, money and effort into selecting the doors and windows for their home, yet don’t give screening these openings a second thought! Sunlight and fresh air are two of the most important […]Read More
Here are some photos and notes from one of our interesting advertisers, who lead nature tours around the world. If you love the Niagara Escarpment, and like see plants and animals in other countries when you travel, this company is worth checking out. This guest post and all the photos are by David Milsom, president […]Read More
Encouraging news from Hamilton Conservation Authority. Instead of warning people to stay away from the coyote’s territory until it can be found and killed, staff are asking people to give it space so it can live in peace — and probably breed and rear its young. This is a good news story for nature near […]Read More
This advertorial by Maple Hill Tree Services of Mississauga appears in our Spring 2013 issue. The information about the Emerald Ash Borer, that is devastating Green Ash trees in southern Ontario, and how to treat the pest, is important enough that we want to have it on our blog, which can be searched. Photos are […]Read More
All photos by Mike Davis who can handle anything alive. The 13th annual Halton EcoFest on April 6 in Oakville had a focus on biodiversity, a theme which fits well with the Niagara Escarpment. Above, a photo of me with the snake whisperer (not his real title) Ross Blackwood of Sciensational Sssnakes!! holding a Black […]Read More