We recently received a comment by Laurie Adams of E’Terra, in response to a posting from last year, about the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy’s [EBC] 2012 Monarch Butterfly Festival. You can see that post and Laurie’s recent comment here. But because that posting from last year is unlikely to be seen by anyone now unless they search our website, I decided to post about this here. This is the full text of Laurie’s comment:
“I find it very interesting that such an environmental and emotional topic as the concerns around the butterfly conditions are supported by you with Parks Canada when PC spray acres and acres of Milkweed with Roundup TM in the Tobermory area and yet no one is concerned over PC extensive usage of Monsanto products. Species at risk habitat , amphibians and insects sprayed all summer to get rid of a weed that has been here for 100+ years and nature worked with it and did not stop it process.
“Now local residents who know PC is using herbicides and Pesticides of such extreme are also doing the same because they believe if PC can use so can they and in one case an alvar on the waters edge has been spray all summer to get rid of the beautiful wild grass and other wildflowers .
“Now you partner with PC on such a delicate species existence.”
Laurie raises some alarming issues that I knew nothing about, and I advised Bob Barnett of EBC about the comment. EBC in turn forwarded the concern to Bruce Fathom Five National Marine Park.
John Haselmayer, Manager of Resource Conservation, responded with “No, of course we don’t spray milkweed,” and then invited people to call him for more information at 519.377.5109 because he generally doesn’t engage in this kind of conversation on line, preferring to have an “off-line” discussion.
So if you have any questions or concerns about the issues Laurie raises about Bruce Peninsula National Park, contact John directly. Even if he won’t participate in a discussion here, we welcome your comments, so feel free to continue the discussion below.
By the way, this year’s EBC Monarch Butterfly Festival apparently drew a record attendance of more than 500 people. What can you add to this discussion?