This advertorial by Maple Hill Tree Services of Mississauga appears in our Spring 2013 issue. The information about the Emerald Ash Borer, that is devastating Green Ash trees in southern Ontario, and how to treat the pest, is important enough that we want to have it on our blog, which can be searched. Photos are courtesy of Maple Hill Tree Services.

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was first confirmed in Oakville in 2008 by the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency). Now, 5 years later, it is not unusual to see ash tree lined streets in the surrounding area infested and showing signs of decline. But it’s not too late for many trees.
Currently there are two options to consider for the ash trees on your property. The trees that are in good health and structurally sound could be treated. It may not be feasible to treat every ash tree on your property in which case the tree should be removed. An ash infested by the emerald ash borer can decline very quickly and may reach a dead and hazardous stage within a couple years.
The signs and symptoms of EAB infestation can be very difficult to detect in the early stages. If you have an ash tree on your property you should consult with a certified Arborist. Ash trees can be identified based on their stout twig formation and the opposite bud arrangement.

Hiring a qualified Arborist is very important. Arborists are knowledgeable about the needs of trees and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. Proper tree care is an investment that can lead to substantial returns. Well-cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability. Pruning or removing trees, especially large trees, can be dangerous work. Tree work should be done only by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees.
Treatment against the Emerald Ash Borer currently entails drilling holes around the base of the tree and injecting an organic pesticide into the tree. The amount of pesticide used is based on the size of your tree which is also directly related to the cost of the treatment. The treatment must be repeated every other year; leading consultants are anticipating that treatment will need to continue for the next 10-15 years. Research is continuing, another solution may be on the horizon. An Arborist can help you weigh your options.

Maple Hill Tree Services has been in business since 1976 and is a full-care arboriculture firm that specializes in both large and small tree care. We offer a complete range of services and pride ourselves on our professionalism and dedication to the preservation of trees in the urban environment. We have been working with Municipalities, School Boards, Condominiums and Homeowners alike since the local EAB outbreak in 2008. Please contact us for Treatment or Removal options at 905-824-2100 or .
Have you had trouble from the Emerald Ash Borer?