Tags : magazine publishing

Summer 2021: Get Back Out There!

By Gloria Hildebrandt Summertime is when we get outdoors more, and away from home a bit. This year we suggest you explore some Escarpment areas that may be new to you. Have you walked past the striking homes at Grimsby Beach? Their colourful exteriors celebrate a fascinating history. How about a powwow? If you’re on […]Read More

Great Opportunity! Summer Help Wanted

We have a great opportunity for someone aged 15 to 30, who’s interested in journalism, magazine publishing, office administration and/or entrepreneurship. You will work closely with the accounts manager and editor in a variety of interesting areas, depending on your skills. These could include office administration, database management, research into advertising prospects, outreach to prospective […]Read More

Small Business Success with Print Marketing

According to Delivering for Business, a booklet from Canada Post, digital marketing should be mixed with physical marketing for small business success.“In the current environment,” Canada Post states, “small business owners need to develop a plan that includes a combination of both digital and tangible marketing options. They simply cannot rely on a single channel.“Many […]Read More

We’re Not Junk Mail

By Gloria Hildebrandt, co-publisher & editor We’ve recently had some prospective advertisers ask us for exact numbers of copies we distribute in their particular areas. Hmm, I thought, they don’t get it. They don’t get us. Then I wrote this response: We need to clarify what’s unique about Niagara Escarpment Views magazine. If you’re hoping […]Read More

Another Amazing Letter

A couple who have subscribed for a while, have done an amazing thing with their recent renewal: they added an extra financial contribution for the magazine. They did this out of concern due to the COVID-19 crisis and how our supportive advertisers have had to cut back their spending. This reminds me of another surprise […]Read More

Reader Makes Me Cry

We got a two-page hand-written letter from a subscriber yesterday. What he wrote brought tears to my eyes. He was responding to both my “View from the Editor’s Desk” and my column “The Gift of Land” in the Summer issue. He wrote with concern for our well-being. He wrote encouraging words about the magazine and […]Read More

Still in Business

Mike is out today, delivering copies of our gorgeous Summer issue to the Niagara Region and the Hamilton area. Advertisers who are open, will have copies to give out. Not all our usual advertisers have been able to advertise in this issue. Some expected the lockdown to continue all summer. Now that we’re learning how […]Read More

What Makes a Good Business Owner?

This charming photo of the Collie Little Bear looking at a rabbit is by Barrett Sharpe of Ancaster. Can you make out the well-hidden rabbit? First, I have good news about my friend’s surgery: everything has gone well. This may be another sign that slowly, things are improving in our hospitals and elsewhere. As we’re […]Read More

Getting the Summer Issue of Niagara Escarpment Views

The way things look now, we won’t be back to normal by June 1, which is the publication date for our Summer issue. Many of our regular advertisers may not be open as usual, meaning that they won’t have copies available for you to pick up. We do have at least one advertiser, our amazingly […]Read More