Our good friends at Conservation Hamilton are hosting a fascinating event about the weird and wonderful world of historical re-enactors. Read about this below. Also, check out our feature article about a Civil War Re-enactment. Great fun, but watch out for crossfire! Are you curious about what is involved in the hobby of American Civil […]Read More
Tags : history
This is a particularly interesting story, sent to us by The Blue Mountains… Local artist, John Haines, recently donated a painting to the Craigleith Heritage Depot. The painting was done in collaboration with local archaeologists and illustrates what The Blue Mountains would have looked like circa 1635. John’s unique perspective of painting gives this […]Read More
Things are looking pretty spooky in Rockton! See what’s brewing… Haunted Halloween allows visitors to explore All Hallow’s Eve history and folklore in the unique setting of one of Ontario’s best living history museums, Westfield Heritage Village, Friday, October 28th and Saturday, October 29th, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Time after time, Westfield takes […]Read More
The subtitle gives a perfect description of this book: “Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from the World’s Greatest Empire.” Bits and pieces of quotations, graffiti, legends and sayings are presented in short chapters that deal with family life, women, medicine, slaves, spectacles, buildings, emperors and much more. There is a whole chapter, including a photograph, […]Read More
Below is a request from the Terry Fox Foundation, for your memories of his historic run. I’ll share mine here. My parents were hosting some of our relatives from Germany at their house in the country north of Georgetown. I was driving to my parents house, on the stretch of Highway 7 between Georgetown […]Read More
This looks like a pretty cool activity for people of any age: The past comes alive at Crawford Lake Conservation Area, at the popular Dig In and Discover Archaeology event on July 18 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. for a great day of discovery and exploration into the past. Visit with staff […]Read More
We’re happy to pass on this news about Habitat for Humanity Halton (HFHH) and their work in Haiti. They want to emphasize that donations from individuals until February 12 will be matched by the Canadian Government. HFHH will provide support to the disaster response efforts of Habitat for Humanity International to help low-income Haitian […]Read More
There’s a Niagara Escarpment community connection to Haiti. Georgetown is the location of the Canadian offices of Healing Hands for Haiti International Foundation Inc., which provides physical medicine and rehabilitation programs to Haitians with disabilities. Eric Doubt of Georgetown is the executive director. Marnie Hughes of Georgetown shares this information: “Last November I […]Read More
While watching The National on TV last night, I was struck by the discussion about our Prime Minister proroguing Parliament again, and the question of what citizens think about it, whether they’re rising up and objecting. The topic came up earlier yesterday at a family birthday celebration, and all of us there expressed […]Read More
Last weekend we saw our theatre columnist Seana McKenna in a performance about the lives and work of Robert and Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms. She read the narration while Susan Platts sang German Lieder to Rena Sharon’s piano accompaniment. Mike had invited his Aunt Mac to this, so we picked her up […]Read More