Our good friends at Conservation Hamilton are hosting a fascinating event about the weird and wonderful world of historical re-enactors. Read about this below. Also, check out our feature article about a Civil War Re-enactment. Great fun, but watch out for crossfire!
Are you curious about what is involved in the hobby of American Civil War re-enacting? A new program at Westfield Heritage Village will allow visitors a glimpse into what is behind this interesting activity. Join us for this special
evening tour on Saturday June 23 at 7:00 p.m. Visitors to Westfield will have an opportunity to meet re-enactors who portray American Civil War soldiers and camp followers and experience what the hobby is all about.
Visit authentic encampments and look behind the tent flaps. See what it feels like to be recruited into a Confederate or Union army. See how you measure up in practice drills. Join in an 1860 country dance. Learn about medical
practices of the time. Speak with re-enactors about what it is like to spend a weekend living as a soldier or camp follower in the 1860s. Enjoy cool lemonade and sample hardtack in the village green. At twilight, visitors can experience the sights and sounds of musket and cannon fire in a dramatic display that will complete the evening with a bang!
Limited tickets are available for this event, and must be purchased in advance by phone at (519) 621-8851.