Tags : Halton

Halton calls out Province on missing consultations re conservation authorities

Here is a letter and Discussion Paper from all Halton area mayors and Halton Region chair, as Conservation Halton’s formal response to the letter circulated by The Honourable Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to all conservation authorities on August 16, 2019. Minister Yurek’s letter called for conservation authorities to review and […]Read More

Conservation Halton Foundation raises funds to plant entire forest

Here’s hopeful news from Conservation Halton. This is their report. Conservation Halton recently hosted the Friluftsliv Foundation Gala on Thursday, June 20 at Kelso Quarry Park. In just one evening, guests were able to plant an entire forest, with funds raised to put 1,487 trees and shrubs in the ground. If you were not able to attend Friluftsliv this […]Read More

Understanding Indigenous Communities

News about an interesting event at Crawford Lake, provided by Conservation Halton: Anishinaabe speaker, educator, and musician Eddy Robinson brings a wealth of knowledge and personal experience to the national conversation about Indigenous communities in Canada. Join us at Crawford Lake Conservation Area on Saturday, October 15, 2016 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. to learn […]Read More

September Happenings

Niagara Escarpment communities are always jumping with lots of things to take part in! Here are some events from September that just couldn’t fit into our Winter issue. A cool wind and occasional rain showers didn’t wash out people’s enthusiasm to hear Ann-Marie MacDonald read at the Eden Mills Writer’s Festival on Sept. 13. Photo […]Read More

Awesome Autumn on the Escarpment

Our good friends at Conservation Halton have a wonderful festival for you to enjoy. Get out there and marvel at the gorgeous views and hues of this season! Conservation Halton invites you to enjoy the spectacular landscapes and colours of fall during the annual Fall into Nature Festival. The events take place over two weekends […]Read More

Meet Mountsberg’s Vultures

Ever since Chris Hamilton wrote and photographed his feature on vultures for the Summer 2011 issue, back when our magazine was called Escarpment Views, we have loved vultures. See his work here. But we never heard of International Vulture Awareness Day until Norm Miller of Conservation Halton sent us the following news! Join us at Mountsberg Conservation […]Read More

Oppose GTA West Corridor

This is a letter to the editor calling for opposition to the GTA West Corridor that would go through Caledon and Halton Hills. At the Town of Caledon municipal candidates’ meeting in Caledon East last fall, an audience member asked the prospective mayoral and council aspirants their views on the GTA West Corridor. To her […]Read More

Create Healthy Yards in Milton

Want to upgrade your yard, but don’t know where to start? Conservation Halton is offering a series of four free workshops in May to help Milton homeowners create a healthy yard and understand the impact of their yards and neighbourhoods on local water quality. Conservation Halton has assembled a team of experts who will lead […]Read More

Halton Hills Calls for Quarries to Demonstrate Need

  Just received from Concerned Residents Coalition: The municipal Council for the Town of Halton Hills passed a motion at its meeting on Monday evening, April 13, requesting that “the Ontario Government amend the Provincial Policy Statement and the Aggregate Resources Act to require aggregate extraction proponents to demonstrate need for the particular supply of […]Read More

Maple Time at Crawford Lake & Mountsberg

News from our friends at Conservation Halton: Wondering when spring will arrive? Stop looking to groundhogs and robins for predictions of the thaw, at Conservation Halton we say look to the trees! The maple sap is about to flow and Mountsberg and Crawford Lake Conservation Areas are firing up for two marvellous maple syrup festivals. Conservation […]Read More