Our Summer 2023 issue is out and freely available from our advertisers and some other locations. Here are the main features in it. New contributor Doreen Nicoll wrote a piece on the threats to the Greenbelt by the provincial Conservative government. We notice that widespread opposition to these rushed changes remain, yet other media coverage about this issue has faded. Perhaps when shovels begin to hit the wetlands and sensitive animal habitats, concern will resume. In contrast to this negative news, our other features are more cheerful.

Sandra Howe reported on a special new garden that has been created in Owen Sound to celebrate Indigenous history and bring together people of all cultures.

We also share an exploration of the Sheguiandah Archaeological Trail on Manitoulin Island. Guided tours are offered that give the feeling of travelling back in time, as you climb up a slope that goes back thousands of years.

In the Escarpment lands south of Georgian Bay, new access has been created to give visitors a convenient entrance to Petun Conservation Area throughout the year. The Bruce Trail main trail and a side trail provide easy ways to experience the various habitats that are established here.

Those who follow the offerings of the Bruce Trail may know that Beth Gilhespy, a former CEO of the Bruce Trail Conservancy, is a geologist known for giving specialized tours of the Bruce Trail, explaining the various rocks and fascinating layers of sediment visible along the Escarpment. She has written a book about the geology of the Beaver Valley section of trail, and we are delighted to present excerpts and images from this work.
There are more bits to enjoy in this issue, so be sure to take a copy home.