I’ve been trying a new insect repellant, Insect Defend Patch. They are an advertiser, and we were given some free samples, and I’ve been trying them. After the samples were used up I bought some from Home Hardware, another advertiser.
All you do is peel a translucent patch off its backing and stick it on a hairless place on your body. I put it on my left upper arm. There is no spray, oil or cream. Nothing but a small square on your body.
I’m amazed to report that I think it works. First, you should know that I have bad reactions to insect bites: big swellings that get worse a few days later, often turning into oozing, crusty sores…you get the idea. I sometimes wear a full bug veil, two layers of shirts, long pants and socks, and I still get bitten.
On Saturday morning I applied a new patch to my arm and began a day of working in my rural garden. I even went into the forest of the Niagara Escarpment in the afternoon. I kept the patch on overnight and all next day, my second day weeding and clipping at the edge of a forest, and the patch still seemed to work.
I observed that mosquitoes were still around me, that some landed on me, but quickly flew off. I did even get bitten. Twice. But my reaction was so slight that I barely noticed. The day after, I can hardly see the bites.
The package says that patches are DEET-free, contain only vitamin B1 and may be worn continuously for 36 hours. I don’t understand the science of this, but I am a believer that Insect Defend Patch works for me.
Have you tried it? What do you think of it?

1 Comment
.We all know that mosquito bites are just plain itchy and can ruin a perfectly good summers day. ….Anonymous.said…….I like that it does not contain toxic chemicals as I have sensitive skin.donna lynnaloe hotmail.com…..