Arrgh. Pfft. And rats.
I goofed. Big mistake in the Summer issue.
I must have had a brain infarction because I thought the provincial election is Oct. 25.
At the time we were finalizing the summer issue, I was working part time for Elections Canada, with a Voting Day of May. 2. Turns out I must have been remembering last year’s municipal election, which was on Oct. 25. Have we had too many elections lately?
Anyway, 25,000 copies of our Summer issue are about to hit the streets with a big headline on page 35 with the wrong date on it! Maybe it’s time for us to hire a factchecker. I don’t seem to be able to keep all our editorial balls in the air at the same time any more.
Should I manually correct each issue by crossing out the wrong date and writing in the correct one?
What do you think I should do?
Meanwhile, mark your calendars with the correct date. The next Voting Day is Oct. 6!

Don’t fret Gloria! Print may not be very forgiving, but your readers will be. If anything, you will reap in the rewards from having ‘stirred the pot’ and get your readers engaged to contact you.
Or… you could twitter/FB it?… 😉
Thanks, Suzanne. I did put a note about this on our Facebook page. I don’t twitter…yet!
….I had not noticed the mistake, and probably many others didn’t either. I would say: just let it be. It is far enough away not to matter.
The magazine is great!
Marg. Megelink
You make me feel better about this, Marg. Thanks. Also about your kind words about the mag!
Put in an insert with the correction. Â Sell ad space on the insert.
Gloria, I would just insert a note in the package/magazine like they do with theatre programs when understudies will be performing.
Re: Page ? Election Day correction – should be October 6th.
Interesting that you both have the same idea. Grant, I like the way you think! You might have a career in ad sales or marketing!
Look on the bright side, Gloria. You may be surprised how many readers you have. They just love to catch a mistake. I have known more than one publisher who deliberately made a mistake just to see who would respond.
And you’ll have letters to print in the next issue from all those readers.
Hey Sh… happens !! I like the idea of an insert. Need something quick & simple to deal with that many copies. Don’t fret too much – not the end of the world. But still better to try some type of correction than to just ignore it. In a similar situation in a past life, we used a small sticker and got a bunch of volunteers to stick on the page before distribution.