Why Advertise With Niagara Escarpment Views

To see what our readers tell us, go to People Respond.

Your company is a delight to work with. I couldn’t be happier with the level of communication, professionalism and expertise shown by Niagara Escarpment Views. We look forward to our continued business relationship for many years to come!
Mitchell Walker, Wise Cracks

I decided I needed to subscribe to ensure arrival of every issue. You have received my request for a two year subscription. When the opportunity presents itself you may want to remind potential advertisers that your publication is not only good public relations but works for them economically.
Gary McNally, Toronto

We do plan to take part on the group ad again. It did bring us a few clients last year.
Mary Lou Brock, The Wearable Art Show

NE Views is a treasure. I accidentally came upon a copy at McDonald’s in Acton while I was having a coffee with my father. The articles are well researched and written. I have already done business with one of your advertisers (would likely never have been aware of them without NE Views.).
Robert Kilby, Mississauga

I have been a Niagara Escarpment Views subscriber for several years. I love the magazine. Thank you for publishing such a unique and interesting magazine. We live in Ohio near Cleveland but visit Canada several times per year especially places with the escarpment. We often patronize Escarpment Views advertisers when we are in the area…
Nell Rapport, Ohio

I have just been reading your current issue and I wanted to let you know I am enjoying the articles and pictures… I am also impressed with your advertisers — so many and from a wide geographical area.
John Drewry, Thornbury

First of all I must thank you for such a wonderful magazine. It is the only one I read cover to cover (including the great variety of ads.) I have never written to a paper of magazine before…
Gail Thompson, by email

I picked up your issue today at the Apple Factory because of the cover story by Bruce Mackenzie, “Ravens & Crows Explained.” It was a great article and proves the power of print media to draw you in.
Jean Nickerson, by email

I’m more than happy to support your magazine with my advertising dollars for my Bed & Breakfast.
Sandy Small Proudfoot, The Farmer’s Walk, Mono

That was a good article. We had a few good inquiries as a result. Some even made appointments to visit to view the properties.
Bryan Barfoot, Timberstone Shores

I was very pleased to get a $5,000 job as a direct result of my ad in the Spring issue of your magazine. My new client told me they had phoned other people, but none of them showed up for the appointment. I did. Advertising, and following up, works.
Harold Kirkland, Irish Cabinet Maker

We are very happy with your magazine. It is very thoughtful, interesting and relative to the Niagara Escarpment. We would still love to have copies of the magazine at our location to give to our customers.
Pat Stornebrink, Under the Stars RV

At Highland Grounds we have people come in looking for the magazine and we’ve had people come in because of the advertising in the magazine. Advertising with Niagara Escarpment Views helped put us on the map and brought us lots of regulars and seasonal visitors stopping in our area. We may come back to advertise in the future, but for now we have become busy thanks to our name getting out!!!! Thanks NEV!!!
Shawn Ankenmann, Highland Grounds

I thank you and your team for all of your help and amazing support. We believe you have a beautiful magazine with terrific articles.
Jennifer McBride, Peel Hardware & Supply, Caledon

Working with Niagara Escarpment Views has been a great asset for us. People sometimes think it is our in-house magazine……so, many thanks for the news and all the good work!!
Bob Barnett, Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy

We actually had an enquiry for a group trip from St. Catharines for Fiddler [on the Roof] so we know that the ad is being read along the Escarpment!
Mark & Nanci Llewellyn, Globe Productions

I keep every copy to plan our future excursions… My next destination is Georgetown Yarn.
June Sheldrake, Hamilton

I just wanted you both to know how much I enjoy Niagara Escarpment Views… It makes me want to explore every place that you show your readers…
Eileen, name withheld, town withheld

As you know Niagara Escarpment Views is very popular here at the Orangeville Visitors’ Information Centre. Just wanted to tell you an interesting story. We had a couple from Pennsylvania drop by to pick up an “Art Walk of Tree Sculptures” map. They were on a road trip through Northern Ontario that brought them on the Bruce Peninsula (via the Chi-Cheemaun) and driving south to Niagara Falls and home. Along the way they picked up a copy of NEV, read the article, “Orangeville’s Street Art: Enhancing Community” and decided that they “just had” to check out Orangeville and its tree sculptures. They took our brochure and the magazine home as souvenirs.
Susan Reynolds, Tourism Officer, Orangeville Visitors Information Centre

We just had a couple in from Acton that read the article in the magazine and decided to drive up and check out the Trees and Town.
Mara Prociw, Tourism Officer, Orangeville Visitors Information Centre

I really enjoy your magazine. For a few issues you had an advertiser that was a butcher shop, with a few locations. They advertised that they carried Chiannina beef. I haven’t seen their ad lately and do not have a back copy to find them. Do you have the company name as I wish to visit one of their locations to order this product.
Dave McDonnell, via email

The ad for Clearview Station B&B at Creemore perked our interest. A unique romantic 2 day anniversary getaway this summer included slumbers in a caboose & breakfasts par excellence with caring charming hosts.
Clare Johnston, Fergus

In a recent article in Niagara Escarpment Views I wrote about EBC offering…a conservation bargain. One generous donor invited me over and handed me 12 monthly cheques for $210 each.
Bob Barnett, Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy

Recognizing that NEV needs advertising $$$, please know that your current style and advertiser content is as integral to the publication as the journalistic and photographic content.
June Sheldrake, Hamilton

I will go ahead and invite readers to specifically consider doing business with NEV advertisers. After all, they believe in the community.
Lee Ann Knudsen, Cheltenham

Just a quick note to say thank you for the great exposure we got in the last issue of Niagara Escarpment Views. The article and picture looked great, thank you very much.
Robert Weeden, Pollen Bee Nest

We have had requests for the Niagara Escarpment Views Magazine for the Summer months. Do you know when they will be delivered to the Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce? We have the Spring one here on display.
Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce

Hi Mike, Just wanted to thank you for the box of Views the other day! Your magazine is fabulous. One of our regular customers, a hiker, saw it in Owen Sound (I think) and wondered why we hadn’t received it here at the Visitors Information Centre. She was delighted to hear it was delivered. You and Gloria certainly put a lot into it. Thank you so much!
Susan Reynolds, Tourism Officer, Orangeville Visitor Information Centre

I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Tourism London team to request brochures from your region. We would appreciate it if you could send us 50 copies of your brochure when they become available.
Nelia Gubbels, Tourism London

Your magazine has been a big hit at my shop. People are glad to take a copy. I was happy you included me in your last edition. I have been giving copies away. People are happy to receive them. I also took them to “Telling Tales” Festival in Rockton.
Sylvia Simpson, Hamilton

Publishers’  note: Your ad has a very long exposure. Sometimes for years: In Spring 2016 we sold two copies of Winter 2010! Mary Pillisch wanted the feature article on Mildred Mahoney’s dollhouses, even though this article is available on this site for free!

“Just saw the magazine today. Love the ad especially the snow in front of the blowers.”
Linda Hill, Adams Equipment, Georgetown

“I’ve been wanting to go up to Manitoulin Island for awhile and reading NE Views increases my interest even more. I hope to make it up there one of these days, I haven’t been since I went on a family trip in the early 60s.”
David McDonald, Toronto

“I’m writing to congratulate you on producing the most read magazine in our Guest House. The magazine has lasting value and is frequently on the top of our magazine racks. We have to frequently replace some issues as they gravitate to bags to travel home with our guests so they can digest the entire magazine at their leisure. For us transplants from the south it’s a chance to keep up with what’s happening back home. For our visitors to the area and us locals it’s great to learn more about our area. In this regard a popular article is the one on the Beaver River by Sandra J Howe (2014-summer issue) and Wiarton’s Spirit Rock (Summer 2015) by the same author. We keep a stock of these issues around. Keep up the good work.”
Richard Bowering, The Bowering Guest House, Ravenna

“Please include me in the summer ad. Why? Because:
– I believe advertising requires repetition
– I like the fact that NEV has my branch listed on the back as a location to obtain a copy
– I grew up along the escarpment
– My branch is located along the escarpment
– My clients are involved in the escarpment (Bruce Trail Association, hiking, skiing, etc.)
– I expect the demographics of NEV readers are well aligned with my target client group
– My clients periodically pick up a copy and take it with them
– The cost is reasonable.
Todd Neff, Edward Jones, Burlington

A couple told me that they were from Toronto and came to the Brewhouse because they saw our ad in Escarpment Views.
Jamie Leder, Collins Brewhouse, Ancaster

“The Winter Views is gorgeous! We are on the Niagara Escarpment in Beaver Valley. The magazine is sitting in every home I visited over the holidays.”
Laura Artibellow, Beaver Valley

“Thanks for the great article. We are completely full at the moment and two people are thinking of becoming members.  So we are afraid to advertise and attract more people who might not find anything to rent or own! A nice problem to have? Again thanks for all your support. We may take an ad in the future.”
Brenda Dolling, Whole Village, Caledon

“Thanks to your editor’s page – found ‘Maple Hill Tree Service’ to help with our tree damage! Thanks!”
Valda May, Norval

Your ad design was spot on and instant. Thank you very much. Very pleased with your service.
Dawn Loney, Keppel Croft Gardens, Owen Sound

“A woman called from Queenston asking for a copy of Escarpment Views and drove to my Stamford Home Hardware store in Niagara Falls to get a copy. She later called back saying ‘What a great magazine, when’s the next one coming out?’ I was impressed that she called me just to tell me how wonderful she thought the magazine was!”
Bert Prinzen, Stamford Home Hardware, Niagara Falls

“Advertising with Escarpment Views Magazine has allowed us the opportunity to reach a different audience. It has been very beneficial to advertise with Escarpment Views as we have seen an increase in sales that were directly related to advertising in Escarpment Views.”
Lorraine Roberts, Plant Paradise Country Gardens

“Foodstuffs has been pleased from the premiere issue with the professionalism, attention to detail, grace and care with which we’ve been treated by Escarpment Views. Ad placement always shows aesthetic consideration and a good sense of our existing and potential clientele. The “Worth the Visit” feature launched with a visit to Foodstuffs was helpful in reinforcing our decision to advertise with EV… we’ve had many comments and compliments, several new customers and the quick sale of the two decorative signs we posed with in a group photograph!”
Marcia Dye, Foodstuffs

Niagara Escarpment Views, formerly called Escarpment Views, is a high-quality, full-colour quarterly magazine that since 2008 has been reflecting life along the entire world-renowned Niagara Escarpment in Canada. Finely written articles and gorgeous photography introduce its tourist destinations, fascinating people, community efforts, outdoor adventures, natural wonders, unique stores, cultural events and festivals, garden tours, and historical treasures. Your ad will get results from an engaged, large geographic audience.

Readers & Viewers Profile/Demographics

  • Intergenerational: 8 to 88 years old
  • High disposable income
  • Regular purchases or event attendance as a direct result of an ad
  • Copies sought by readers


Target of 20,000 copies printed of each quarterly issue

Distribution Highlights

Here’s a complete list of where we’re distributed.

Politicians in all levels of government: The Governor General, all federal Members of Parliament and Senators; the Lieutenant Governor General and all Ontario Members of Provincial Parliament; mayors, councillors and senior staff of communities along the Niagara Escarpment including: Hamilton-Halton-Niagara; Erin, Caledon, Orangeville, Collingwood, Owen Sound.

Tourism offices: Ontario Tourism Visitor Centres in Niagara Falls, Toronto and Barrie, Tourism Hamilton, Tourism Burlington, and Visitor Centres in Halton Hills, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Collingwood, Owen Sound and Manitoulin Island.

Transportation hubs: Chi-Cheemaun Ferry, and Tobermory and South Baymouth ferry terminals.

Retail Stores including: Home Hardware, Kubota, Foodland, Mountain Equipment Co-op, Lee Valley Tools & more.

Agencies: Conservation Halton, Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy, Niagara Escarpment Commission offices in Georgetown & Owen Sound.

Our Readers are in the Market for:

  • Unique tourism destinations and resorts
  • Canadian, local, regional and organic products
  • Vehicles and services for rural & property ownership
  • Outdoor recreation gear, photo equipment, binoculars
  • Environmentally friendly causes, products, services

Our full media kit is online at: NEViews.ca/rates

Call Mike Davis at 905.866.7888 or ads@NEViews.ca