People Respond

Here are just some of the many comments we’ve received from our readers and viewers. We love hearing from you, so keep your responses coming!  We also have interesting comments about advertising in the magazine at Why Advertise.

Being an avid nature lover and serious amateur photographer, I enjoy reading your magazine immensely. I eagerly look forward to each new issue.
– Lois McNaught, Hamilton

We have just received your 10th anniversary edition of NEV !! Congratulations to you both! We always enjoy your magazine and look forward to receiving it. What a huge undertaking for just 2 people and to think you have shaped this magazine into something truly memorable is something to be so very proud of! Well done !!
Isabel and John Cruise, Limehouse

I am one of “those people.” The ones that write that they are sending in their subscriptions because they are tired of missing issues. I usually get the summer & fall ones when I’m vacationing in the Bruce, but miss the winter ones and sometime, the spring ones. Keep up the great work.
– Mary Jane Bajdo, Etobicoke

I loved the 10th anniversary edition. I love that your magazine allows me to enjoy and learn about my own backyard AND places that I haven’t been yet that are close enough to visit. I am MOTIVATED to visit more Escarpment places! Congrats to you and Gloria on your publishing success. It isn’t an easy business to start, maintain or grow!
– Lois Fraser, Georgetown

Congratulations on a wonderful magazine. I try to pick up a copy whenever I visit the Niagara Escarpment Commission Offices. I have been requested by our Council to see whether the Town of Mono municipal offices could be considered as a site to distribute complimentary copies of your magazine. Our offices are located in Mono Center and within the Niagara Escarpment Plan area. Thank you for consideration of this request.
– Mark Early, CAO/Clerk, Town of Mono

I recently moved back to Southern Ontario from New York City and I remember reading your magazine in the past (when I lived in St. Catharines). But I was particularly blown away by how much I enjoyed the latest Gardens issue of Niagara Escarpment Views. Keep up the great work! It was such a delight to read. I pride myself in consuming outstanding media, and your magazine is now up there with some my favorite reading materials, such as Spacing magazine, FT Weekend, Apartment Therapy, Dr. Oz, Guideposts, New York By Rail, etc…
– Paxton Allewell, by email

I am originally from Vineland so it is always nice to catch up on the latest news from around my hometown region. The lovely photographs also display the uniqueness of the Niagara region.
– Hon. V. Peter Harder, P.C., Government Representative in the Senate

Best magazine in the sector. Renew of course!
– Roger Guertin, St. Catharines

I was given a copy of “Niagara Escarpment Views” (Spring 2016) while I participated in a tour with Niagara Nature Tours Owl Prowl yesterday. Your magazine is superb – in all ways. Yes, even as your survey stated, “right down to the quality of paper.” It should be required reading for those in your distribution area of Southern Ontario. So much to learn! So much to enjoy! Please begin my subscription with the edition after Spring 2016. I look forward to receiving that copy.
– E. Brook Wilson, Burlington

We miss seeing Royal Botanical Gardens as one of the places where copies of NEV can be picked up. After all, RBG lands cover a bit of the Escarpment.
– Freek Vrugtman

I just received the latest Niagara Escarpment Views and the article and photos of Morningstar Mill look amazing. I’m really thrilled. Your and your staff did a stellar job. Thank you so much. I was also wondering, if possible, would you be able to drop off an extra box of magazines at the St. Catharines Museum, so that we could distribute them at the mill?
– Carla Mackie, Historical Services Co-ordinator, St. Catharines

We have just received amazing feedback. It was a wonderful article. It looks beautiful. People are thrilled at that magazine, the copy. Somebody did a pdf and it travelled all through the States and we received great reviews. We’ve received a great deal of phone calls from community members that need support and assistance with illegal activities surrounding hound hunting and that kind of thing. It’s been a real plus to expose folks to getting some educational outreach and support. We really appreciate Niagara Escarpment Views for putting that information out there. It’s very, very progressive. On behalf of Coyote Watch Canada, our board and advisory council, we do thank you so much for that opportunity.
– Lesley Sampson, Coyote Watch Canada

I am including a cheque for $39.50 to renew my subscription for two years. Thanks for a very informative & picturesque magazine. Really enjoyed the article & scenes from the Hamilton article, which is where I call home! “The Hammer!” Truly enjoyed Gloria’s written words, regarding her parcel of land, she inherited from her father! Land, water & trees are so valuable to our existence. Thanks for all your work keeping all of us, abreast of this wonderful country we live in.
– Jeannine & Walter Wells, Hamilton

We love your magazine and your love for our wonderful planet!
– Christina Marsh-Semerjian, Burlington

Fantastic work on the magazine and well worth the price to continue my subscription! Please put me down for another two-year extension! I’d also like to “gift” another 2-year subscription to a colleague of mine.
– Eric Fowle, Menasha, Wisconsin

I don’t get a chance to read for pleasure very often, and have never previously spent any time with the magazine. I found it both charming and informative, and certainly focused on a common goal for people across a large area.
– Andrew McCammon, Ontario Headwaters Institute

I picked up this magazine at Owen Sound information centre. The article by Bob Barnett, “You can’t see the forest for the desks in the way,” was read with great interest. I completely agree with this.
– Jane Lawrenson, email

WOW – is that descriptive enough? Excellence in every aspect. Many thanks.
– June Sheldrake, via email

[This] is Audrey’s daughter buying her [a] subscription. Is there any way to add the current edition and the one that had the original Beautiful Joe story on to the invoice? Might they still be available? The article prompted me to recommend the book to her and she has since shared with her book club. I think they are planning a trip to the garden over the summer so more info for them would be great. Thanks! Excellent magazine by the way.
– Paula Coats via email

Thank you so much for your amazing magazine Niagara Escarpment Views! I would never have found out about Beautiful Joe and Meaford’s Beautiful Joe Park.
– Brenda Townson, Burlington

I and the rest of the Directors LOVED your article in Winter’s edition on the Park and indeed, your sentiments regarding the book…from the Editor’s Desk…Many, many thanks again for highlighting Beautiful Joe in such a “beautiful” way.
– Viv Baker, Beautiful Joe Heritage Society

Many thanks. Your photo was a wonderful reminder of the great jaunt we spent with the Home Hardware folks.
– The Right Honourable David Johnston, former Governor General of Canada

Last August my wife and I were in Bruce County for the first time… I picked up several issues of your magazine over the week and was quite impressed with your goals for it and with its content and appearance.
– Doug Yonson, Nepean

I loved your magazine which I saw when visiting Tobermory, but was unable to buy a copy anywhere. I am now home in the U.K. and would love to get a copy of the summer edition as it would be a lovely souvenir of all the places we visited. Is it possible to send to the U.K.?
– Jane Lewis, Aylesbury, U.K.

I have included my cheque for a two-year renewal to Niagara Escarpment Views. NEV is a very informative and enjoyable magazine. The pictures & scenery are exceptionally done. I look forward to every issue I receive. Please keep up the great job that you & your staff do. I received my Autumn 2013 issue today. I really enjoyed the Greig’s Caves & Laura Secord articles & pictures.
– Jeannine Wells, Hamilton

In the past I occasionally picked up Niagara Escarpment Views for free at Foodstuffs where I like to shop. I don’t feel good about this any more, because NEV is such a great magazine. From now on I want to pay. You are doing a wonderful job.
Monika Caemmerer, Acton

John and I want to thank you for the fine story and photo spread about Larkwhistle in NEV. You and Mike did an excellent job with photos and text, and I especially appreciate that you quoted my thoughts and words at length at the end of the article – not every publication is willing to put out a serious and strongly worded “message” about environmental deterioration, for fear of “upsetting” or “bothering” some readers. Anything that encourages people to appreciate any aspect of the natural world, such as the Escarpment, may also strengthen conservation measures.
– Patrick Lima, Dyer’s Bay

I am looking forward to camping in Tobermory at the end of August and hope to check out Flowerpot Island as featured in your last edition.
– Ellen Kuschnik, Oakville

Your magazine should be commended for its great content and gorgeous photos!! It is both an educational tool as well as a great tourism resource for those interested in our uniquely beautiful area!
– Kristin Luoma, Economic Development Officer, Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands, Little Current

I always look forward to reading your publication, and commend the work of you and your team over at Escarpment Views. I encourage you to keep up the good work you do and for the interesting and informative publications you create.
– Gary Burroughs, Regional Chair, Niagara Region

I am writing to inquire about the photos of the Mildred Mahoney Doll House Collection auction, which appeared in your Winter 2010 issue. Would it be possible to get copies of the auction photos in the magazine as well as any others you may have from the event? We would like to add these images to our archival collection for preservation and research purposes.
Meredith Leonard, Curator, Marketing, Programming and Exhibitions,
– Fort Erie Museum Services, Ridgeway

“Fossil Hunting at Craigleith” was an excellent feature article. I quite enjoyed reading it and I have no concerns about the messages. There was initial concern about the vulnerability of the resource but I think you did a good job of relaying that information in a sensitive way.
– John Fisher, Wasaga Beach

It is a great magazine. I gave subscriptions to friends when it launched and they just love it!  And they in turn gave subscriptions to their family members.  It’s a great idea for a stocking stuffer.
– Judy Snyder, Burlington

In one of the Escarpment Magazines you sent (the one about the snakes)there is an ad for Eco Adventure Tour at Scenic Caves in Collingwood. It looks really neat, so I went onto the website and checked it out, and we are going to do it this summer. I would never have known about it if I hadn’t seen it in your magazine.
– Robyn Pyrczak, Rockwood

After reading your article about Frogpond Winery we added a new stop to our travels.  During our visit at Frogpond we sampled some excellent wines…beautifully balanced in flavour, colour and aroma. We left with a few bottles of the Chambourcin and Riesling tucked into our saddle bags.  Since bringing it home we have shared them with family and friends who were all as pleased as we were with the quality of this wine.
– Brenda Moher, Burlington

I have already received several phone calls about the [Falling Water Trail] article, with readers looking for more info about the trail.
– Ken Haigh, Clarksburg

It was really nice to see the latest issue of Escarpment Views come in. The magazine is looking great, it always makes me want to escape the Big Smoke and head out on the open road with my camera and laptop.
Loved the centrefold of Balls Falls! It brought back memories of driving down Highway 8 to Brock University every fall and throwing open the car windows somewhere around Vineland Station & Jordan to inhale that still-warm September air, filled with sun and the smell of grapes. Yummy!
– Cathy Watson, Toronto

Escarpment Views magazine is a great read with articles of interest stretching from one end of the beautiful escarpment to the other.
– Danielle Mulasmajic, Economic Development Officer, Town of South Bruce Peninsula

I do not often feel compelled to read all the articles in a magazine, let alone re-read an article. Your style of writing flows beautifully, with creativity and flair all the while delivering a most important message. It is a pleasure to read Escarpment Views and I look forward to receiving the next issue.
– Barbara Rusnak, Aldershot Business Community BIA

I enjoyed reading your magazine.  The pictures are spectacular.  There is something in there for everyone, from kids to adults.  Things to do and places to see, all within reach.
Tracey Wellon, Georgetown

You and Mike did a wonderful job making the House look great in your magazine. I’ve had several compliments on the article, and appreciate your interest and skill in sharing our mission.
– Ann Lawlor, Chair, Friends of Devereaux House

Okay, so I got the copy of Escarpment Views you sent, put it on my magazine pile to read, and then it ended up being lost in the black hole that is my stack of magazine to read.  Yesterday, while sorting through said stack, I came upon your mag again and read it.  First off, you look great (nice photo!).  Second, the magazine looks great.  I always loved the escarpment.  Once a year or so our folks would take my brother and I for a hike along the Bruce Trail.  I remember those days (and my mom’s sandwiches) quite fondly.
Anyway, good job.  I hope it goes well.
– Graham Yost, California

I did the Bayview Extension a few weeks ago, in large part because I was inspired by the article that was in your summer issue.
– Dan O’Reilly, Caledon

3 neighbors of mine with a Campbellville Postal Code have phoned me exitedly. They found the premiere issue of the Escarpment Views in their mailbox. Another friend in Campbellville emailed me as well. All of them used to get another magazine or yours their mailbox. Anyway, one of my neigbors came over and showed me the EV.  I have to tell you that I am very impressed, not only with my story. You both did an incredible job on all counts. In my case it was very exact to our conversations. My name was spelled right, and the whole thing looks great. I have not had time to go through the whole magazine in detail, because she had to leave again. Anyway, thanks so much for this.
– Brigitte Schreyer, Lowville

I distributed the magazines. One is in the lobby. One in the lunchroom. I took one home. I gave one to Harry to take up to his hobby farm north of the City. Overall, it looks good (particularly the photos). All that is need is more content. (I am sure that is always a challenge, especially for a start up). I intend to put mine away and sell it some day on eBay for big bucks. Congratulations.
– Brett Ibbotson, Toronto

Your Premier Issue was an excellent one! I really enjoyed reading the various articles. Your overall design and layout is very up to date. Your choice of font style and size is perfect. Your articles had a great mixture of subjects for most levels of interests. I was quite surprised to see that you had some support from the local automotive industry. Your choice to use the panoramic shot taken by the Kosydar couple was an outstanding one. Keep up the good work. I am positive that it does require a lot of hard work to put together an issue such as this. I am looking forward to the time when you can work up to six annual publications.
– Stephen Garland, Georgetown

I just got your first magazine!!Congratulations!!! It is fabulous – it looks great and the writing is lovely. Loved your intro. And the articles. Look forward to more. And of course, those photos were great. I was most impressed.
– Seana McKenna, Harrington

I am really impressed with your new magazine. I did not know what to expect and was apprehensive about whether there would be enough material to enable it to survive in the longer run. Having seen how you have structured the magazine, I feel that you have a sustainable winner on your hands where you combine the commercial and the artistic. Tell Mike Davis he did a great job on the pictures of Georgetown. Getting the right angles is not that easy. By the way, we have been getting rave reviews from some of our aquaintances about your magazine. The best one was from a fellow who said that this was the first magazine that he had read from cover to cover, probably in his life.
– Richard Kosydar, Dundas

I am a resident of Mountainview Retirement Home and enjoyed your new publication here recently. It is hard to keep on the reading table. It keeps “wandering off” and even the coupon for ordering disappeared. I enjoyed your coverage of the “new” downtown and the history of Limehouse. Would you record and mail two subscriptions for me – one for my son’s family and one for myself…
– Ismey Bird, Georgetown

My expectations were pretty high — obviously, given the nature of the folks involved. But I was still lifted up by the quality, the choice of subjects, the fresh perspective, the design, so much more too. Congratulations and no wonder it’s been greeted with such smiles.
– Julia Soong, Richmond, B.C.