We Value Escarpment Views’ Subscribers!

     Our autumn issue is rolling off the press, and even before the whole run has been printed, we’re picking up copies to put in the mail for our subscribers. It’s important to us that our subscribers get each issue before anyone else does. It’s the least we can do to show you that we value your support.

     With most advertisers choosing to carry the magazine in their facilities, many people are picking up free copies from them. In addition, we send copies out by Canada Post to selected postal routes in order to introduce more people to our magazine. We try to vary the routes with each issue so that we get the broadest reach possible.

     So what we offer subscribers is the convenience of having every issue of Escarpment Views delivered directly to you, as well as getting first crack at the stories and photos.

     We thank you for your support and hope you’ll continue to help fund our efforts. It means a great deal to us, because people who pay to get a magazine are obviously very interested in it. It’s like a vote of confidence that encourages us to work hard to bring you fascinating material. And with everyone’s subscription fees added up, it helps to cover our printing and mailing costs. You may think that you’re not doing much individually, but we value every single one of you. Some of you have even been generous enough to give subscriptions as gifts. We could not ask for more.

     If, however, you do want to do even more, you can help us shape the magazine by sending us your response to each issue, as well as your ideas and photos for future issues. We look forward to hearing from you and having you help strengthen this large Escarpment community.   

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Contact Us

Editor & Co-publisher:
Gloria Hildebrandt

Co-publisher & Accounts Manager:
Mike Davis

Mailing address:
50 Ann St., Georgetown ON L7G 2V2