Total Solar Eclipse over the Escarpment April 8, 2024

By Mike Davis

There were two fabulous days on either side of the eclipse, but on the day, almost completely Sun obstructing overcast. Cheers from the crowds sounded, when there was a break in the clouds for a brief glimpse. I stationed myself right at the lip of Niagara Falls at the media centre. This is my photolog of the day.

Members of the Manawan, Wemontachie and Obejiwan First Nations (from Quebec) hang out at the lip of the Falls.

Karine Echaquan of the Manawan First Nation with some informal drumming. She later officiated a ceremony with most of the other members participating by drumming.

Locations and camera positions staked out early.

Big solar glasses by the Ontario Science Centre info booth.

Broadcasters setup beside Table Rock.

Glassed up and ready!

Crowds at Table Rock. Niagara Falls mist behind.

Similar setup and crowds across the river on the USA side.

David Adames, CEO of Niagara Parks being interviewed.

A sliver of blue sky approaching the Sun/Moon, getting closer as Totality gets nearer on an otherwise cloud obstructed sky.

Near Totality.

The shadow of Totality moving toward us.

Totality at the Falls, but away to the south some sunlight getting through where the eclipse is partial.

Total Eclipse of the Sun!

Light returning as the shadow moves off.

Crowd looking up.

The other side, Sun returning.

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