Tags : Hamilton

Open Streets Hamilton June 12

How does something jump the queue for space on the blog? A great image sure helps! I really like this graphic — but could it be because I am such a word person? It sure “speaks” to me. We’ll be part of Open Streets Hamilton on Sunday June 12, giving away back issues and a […]Read More

Hamilton/Halton Watershed Funding for Planting

News from the Hamilton-Halton Watershed Stewardship Program: Are you planning to plant native trees, shrubs or plants this coming spring? You may be eligible to access funding for your planting.      If your project site falls within Hamilton or Halton Conservation Authorities’ watersheds, AND your project site requires a minimum of 50 trees or shrubs […]Read More

Hamilton’s “Downtown Localicious Experience”

The Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement Area presents the 3rd annual “Downtown Localicious Experience” from Sept. 17 to Oct. 3 in conjunction with The Art Gallery of Hamilton 2010 World Film Festival and The James St. North Supercrawl. This 17-day event showcases local chefs creating delectable lunch specials and prix-fixe dinner menu items made with the best of the […]Read More