Summer 2014 Issue is On Fire!

Summer 2014 cover w

Chris Mills took a startling photograph of a re-enactment explosion over Fort Erie that just had to be the cover of our Summer issue, which is starting to be available now. Copies are in the mail to our subscribers, who get first crack, and then our supportive advertisers start to get copies to give out for free. We’ll update the list of Where to Get Free Copies soon. Meanwhile, check with our usual advertisers as they will probably have copies of this issue too.
So the cover story of the Summer issue is our look at the final battles of the War of 1812, which ended in late 1814, early 1815. There are plenty of commemorative events to attend this summer to salute the end of the war with a bang.
Sandra J. Howe has written and photographed a lovely feature on kayaking the Beaver River. There is so much wildlife to see here that it seems to be a river through the Amazon jungle rather than our own Escarpment lands.
Brenda Dolling and Jon Gagnon open the doors of Whole Village in Caledon to us, answering questions about what it’s like to live in an intentional community, and just what goes on at their 191-acre farm.
Patti Post takes us back in time to see the lime industry at Limehouse, before the Escarpment trees and vegetation took it all over. Credit Valley Conservation shared informative old images that bring things back to life, while Mike Davis provided some current photos.
These are the main features of this issue, which, as always, has columns, news items, and plenty of interesting photos to pore over. Let us know what you think of what you see! We love to hear from you. My Inbox can be reached at


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Editor & Co-publisher:
Gloria Hildebrandt

Co-publisher & Accounts Manager:
Mike Davis

Mailing address:
50 Ann St., Georgetown ON L7G 2V2