Here are additional letters to the editor that we weren’t able to fit into the Summer 2017 issue. We appreciate your notes and letters so much, that we want to publish them all.
Enjoy your efforts greatly. Thanks for the memories. Beverley Pattulo, Tara
I enclose 1 cheque for 2 subscriptions, one for my sister and one for me. Your magazine keeps getting better and better. Christina Marsh-Semerjian, Burlington
When out and about on the weekend I noticed a new Views. Will you be delivering to the Orangeville Visitors Centre? They are quite popular here and people ask. Susan Reynolds, Tourism Officer, Orangeville Visitors Information Centre
I found your spring issue in the lobby of my apartment building and am enjoying it now. I am an enthusiastic Bruce Trail hiker. Merrily Walker, Cambridge
Just a note to all the Escarpers? Escarpees? at N.E. Views. Please accept this round of applause for a most informative magazine – great articles & photography. The winter issue is outstanding. Especially the beautiful “Pond in Winter” by Mike Davis. It is standing on my kitchen table to be enjoyed every day. Each issue helps this old hiker relive many wonderful outings in the past. Jane Walker, St. Catharines
Our B&B guest this past week-end picked up the winter copy of NEViews on their travels about the area which they kindly left behind for me. I’m finding lots to read within its pages and I believe this will appeal to my B&B guests as they’ve told me they like to read articles about the area, not just advertorials, so please send copies here for my B&B guests to read and take with them when they leave. I’m looking forward to your upcoming issues and hope to read more of our area in Dufferin County and the hills of Hockley Valley. Sandy Small Proudfoot, The Farmer’s Walk Bed and Breakfast, Mono

I picked up the winter edition of your magazine at Saunder’s Bakery while visiting family in Rockwood. I have to congratulate you and your team for a great magazine, I truly enjoyed it. The Winter Wildlife: The Photography of Ann Brokelman was a delight to read and see the fantastic photography. I am a photographer myself, I live in Wasaga Beach and do free lance work for The Sun newspaper (Wasaga, Stayner) as well as the Georgian Life Magazine. While out in the outskirts of Wasaga I spotted this female Snowy Owl, can I ask if you could share the photo with Ann Brokelman as she seems to be interested in owls. Enrique Miranda, Enrique Photo Art, Wasaga Beach
Responses to winning free tickets to Canada Blooms and one copy of 100 Easy-to-Grow Native Plants:
Wow!!!! Thank you so much. We look forward to the show but not as much as enjoying the magazine for another period of time. We always share it with visitors from out of town and I keep the back issues in the guest room. Thank you again. Janet Webster, Guelph
What a delight to receive a telephone call from you to tell me that I was the recipient of a pair of tickets to “Canada Blooms” and the book 100 Easy-to-Grow Native Plants for Canadian Gardeners. I will enjoy both equally. Lucky once! Lucky twice! Thank you once! Thank you twice! I enjoy your quality magazine Niagara Escarpment Views. Each edition takes me to new places and special events in our area. Wonderful! Thank you again. Elizabeth Brook Wilson, Burlington
I went yesterday with a friend and really enjoyed this years show! The display gardens were lovely as always!! One disappointment was the show home [at the National Home Show] was not yet completely set up and would not open till 2. I wanted to be leaving by then as traffic would get heavy being the Fri starting March break. A lot of 150th display theme gardens. Gorgeous!! Thank you so much for a lovely day!!! Loretta Vaughan, Port Stanley
Thank you so much, I thoroughly enjoyed myself yesterday at the show! Jill Wood, Oakville