Now online on our website, is the content from our Winter 2012-3 issue.
Here are highlights:
*A full page look at why Scandinave Spa near Blue Mountain is definitely “worth the visit,” even or especially during the cold winter months;
*An explanation of how the Bruce Trail’s Blue Side Trails get named after people, and a look down the path of the one in Halton Hills that has been named after Charles Hildebrandt of Georgetown. By Gloria Hildebrandt;
*Black Bank Hill near Creemore, an energy-efficient house on the Niagara Escarpment, that was built for the 21st century. By Dan O’Reilly;
*The large central photograph of Mono Cliffs Provincial Park, taken by Greg Coman;
*The cover story on Niagara-on-the-Lake’s Icewine Festival, photographed by Mike Davis and written by Gloria Hildebrandt;
*A stressful ride on the Thunderbird Twin Zip Line at Scenic Caves Nature Adventures near Collingwood. Unflattering photos of Gloria Hildebrandt were taken by Mike Davis!
*Bob Barnett recognized as a Niagara Escarpment Visionary for his untiring efforts for Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy;
*Columns by Misty Ingraham on cooking with icewine, and Sean James on the health effects of house plants.
Take a look at these – and more – by following the links above, or by going to Magazines, then Back Issues, then clicking on Winter 2012-3. Was there anything you like about this issue?