It’s time for us to get to know you better! In order to improve this magazine that’s all about the Niagara Escarpment, and keep it growing, we’d love to learn some facts about you and what you think about it. We’re launching our first reader survey to get some statistics that our supporting advertisers will be interested in, and some of your responses to the magazine that will guide us in our decisions. We’ll even make it worth your while to respond! EVERYONE who completes a survey will win – a free copy of the magazine mailed to you or any other Canadian address you give us. If you’re already a subscriber getting issues coming to your door, we’ll extend your subscription by one free issue if you like. Or give a copy to a friend or relative! So please answer the few questions and give us your opinion. Take the survey by clicking the green Reader Survey button at the top of the side panel on this page. If you’re seeing this message from somewhere else, you will see this button at We look forward to hearing from you!

We miss seeing Royal Botanical Gardens as one of the places where copies of NEV can be picked up. After all, RBG lands cover a bit of the Escarpment.
We miss RBG too! We listed them on our map as a pickup place when they were an advertiser. They haven’t advertised with us in years and we don’t know why. We give the RBG gift shop some copies when we have them to spare. You could help by asking RBG to become a listed pickup place for the magazine again. We need ad support to continue doing what we do.