We’re pleased to have an partnership with another organization that’s doing great work for the Niagara Escarpment. Friends of the Eramosa Karst (FOTEK) worked hard to protect karst landscape in Stoney Creek, which has become Eramosa Karst Conservation Area. FOTEK is now trying to keep the karst’s vital “feeder lands” from housing development. Hamilton Conservation Authority supports this effort (see our blog post of March 30, 2010) along with many individuals.
Escarpment Views is happy to support FOTEK’s efforts by donating $5 of every new or renewing subscription to them. All you have to do is note FOTEK when you send your payment. For more details about this offer, see Subscribe on our site.
For information about karst in general and the Eramosa Karst in particular, see FOTEK’s site.