The weather is gorgeous right now, sunny but cool, no bugs, no harsh wind…perfect for some of the harder chores that are too uncomfortable on hot, humid days. I’m enjoying turning my compost pile, collecting the finished brown, fluffy compost and raking it into my bare vegetable beds. I’ve done some weeding. There’s tons to do in my perennial flower bed, but my vegetable beds aren’t too bad at the moment.
I’ve transplanted some lavender to what I hope will be a warmer corner of the herb garden. I’m adding cedar rails where I need to build up the edges of my raised beds. I’ve raked up some of the apples under the trees on my front lawn. I’ve pulled out some of the periwinkle where it was escaping into a woodlot. The stuff is invasive and a threat to wildflowers, so I’ve turned off it.
I’ve been stacking firewood and breaking dead brush into bushel baskets as kindling. I’ve even raked some sawdust and bark and deposited it where I need fill to be able to ride the tractor mower.
These lovely days somewhat make up for the poor summer we had. Are you doing any fall gardening?

These past few days have been fabulous. November 23 I was able to rake some escaped leaves back into the flower beds from whence they came. Yesterday, the 24th, I moved firewood around outside, and today I transplanted a rose bush and a beautiful pink day lily. Thoughts of Christmas can start in December where they belong. This is gardening time!
I liked the post and your writing style. I’m adding you to my RSS reader.
Wish You a Merry Christmas. 🙂