Erin’s Garden Tour and a Connection to Erin Radio

     Erin Horticultural Society held its garden tour on Saturday, and my sister Barbara, who’s a member of the Society, treated me to a ticket. It took most of the day to visit six gardens located in the village of Erin and the surrounding countryside. There was a good variety of gardens, from formally groomed small spaces to rambling properties with a pond or a river running through. Each owner was attentive and generously guided us around, patiently answering our questions, which must have been asked repeatedly by many.

     Our favourite garden was one that looked like an English cottage garden. With hardly any lawn, it was crammed full of colourful blooming plants and had stone and brick walkways winding invitingly through it. It was a garden to explore and was utterly charming, but we both recognized how much work it would take.

     Because I’m an animal lover, I was delighted to see a pet crow in one of the gardens. Erin Montgomery is a bird expert and is involved in rehabilitating wild birds, but Russel (Crowe – get it?) cannot fly and so cannot live in the wild. I was able to have him perch on my bare arm and stroke his back.

     The real revelation was seeing Erin handle him. She brought him close to her chest and he laid his head against her, positively snuggling up for her petting. Who knew a bird could adore a human so?

     I discovered that Erin broadcasts a daily program on Erin Radio, appropriately enough, and now I have an appointment to give her an interview about Escarpment Views! You never know where you’ll meet fascinating people who can contribute to your life.

     Which garden tours do you follow, or what’s your favourite garden style?



  • I love looking at people’s gardens and am always on the lookout for plants that will thrive in full sun, clay soil and, um, a bit of neglect. The garden tour sounds lovely, especially with the charming pet crow. Hard to imagine such a noisy, harsh-sounding bird can actually be a sweet and snuggly companion!

  • Yes, it was surprising to see a crow snuggle up. And instead of making loud squawks, Russell made little clucks and low growls. He apparently makes “Wooo” sounds at interesting moments, such as when he sees a woman in a low-necked top, and speaks words as well, although we didn’t hear these on this day.

  • Gloria, thank you sooo much for the wonderful words. I had a wonderful time showing my ( work in progress ) garden. Russell had a blast.
    It was incredible to meet you and your sister and I look forward to a wonderful relationship between Escarpment News and Erin Radio…perhaps we can coax you to produce your own show!!! YES!
    Thanks Again Gloria

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