Advertising in a popular magazine like ours can bring a lot of benefits, like increased awareness, more traffic, increased sales. But if you don’t look after the nuts & bolts of your organization, any ad you place will fail. Here’s why, based on what Mike & I have observed over the years. The only thing an ad with us can do is interest people in your offering. But here’s what can go wrong:
– No one answers your phone.
– Your phone message doesn’t give enough info, like days & hours you’re open.
– People can’t leave voicemail or you don’t respond to voicemail.|
– Your website isn’t effective.
– You don’t respond to email.
– Parking is difficult at your location.
– Your products or services are the wrong price or poor quality.
– Your customer service is poor.
You get the idea. The scary truth is that if you make any ONE of these mistakes, you could lose potential sales. So if you haven’t looked after the rest of your business, don’t blame us if your ad doesn’t bring results. We can only bring your offering to the eyes of 25,000 to 75,000 people an issue. This count depends on how many people read each of the 25K copies we print & distribute of each issue.
The only thing an ad with us can do is interest a lot of people in what you’re about. You have to take it from there. The rest is up to you.
If you’re ready, we’re happy to take your reservation for ad space in the next issue. Contact Mike: .