Here’s some news about the old Civil War, from our friends at Hamilton Conservation Authority:
Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds and tastes of the American Civil War Experience at Westfield Heritage Village on Sunday June 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This special program will be your chance to experience the conflict, and its Canadian connections, through a dramatic presentation of living history tableaux and battle re-creation.
Throughout the day, there will be lots to see and do. Visit Confederate and Union campsites and meet soldiers, camp followers and sutlers. Discover the precision and discipline of battalion and company drills. Stop by the field hospital and get an up-close view of early medical practices. See what it feels like to be recruited. Admire the elegance and extremes of civil war clothing during a period fashion show. A dramatic highlight of the day will be a battle re-enactment that will take place at 2 PM. You’ll want to find your place early, as just prior to the battle, the artillery and cavalry units will go through their paces.
Visitors can enjoy a delicious light meal in the Ironwood Tea Room, find that one-of-a-kind item in the Gift Shop, or purchase historical wares from a period merchant. Sweet treats are always available in the General Store. Why not bring a picnic to enjoy in our picnic area, or find a special place under a shady tree in the village?
The American Civil War Experience takes place on Sunday June 23 from 10:00 to 4:00 p.m. Admission is $11 for adults, $10 for seniors and persons with disabilities, and $6.50 for children ages 6-12. Children 5 and under are admitted free. Parking is free. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or online.
Westfield Heritage Village is located on Regional Road 552 (Kirkwall Road) in Rockton, just off Highway 8 between Hamilton and Cambridge. For more information please call 1-800-883-0104 or visit www.westfieldheritage.ca
And for our coverage of another Civil War re-enactment, some years ago, see “Canadians Reliving the Civil War.”
Are you a history buff? What do you like about historical re-enactments?