Catch-up of Mentions of Escarpment Views

     If this bog had been active earlier, I would have pointed readers to a couple or three interesting mentions of Escarpment Views. One is on the blog of writer Jennifer Smith who lives in Milton (or Sprawlville as she calls it?). Last spring she wrote  of “something wonderful” that she first read about in Trudi Down’s article for us: the Halton Fresh Food Box Program. Thanks for the mention, Jennifer!

     Another item is the Sydenham Bruce Trail club’s report in their fall newsletter, about Ken Haigh’s article and great photos about the trail’s new Bayview Escarpment reroute east of Owen Sound. You can read the whole article in Selected Articles on our site. Ross McLean’s report in the club’s newsletter notes “It is feedback such as this that gives trail builders their satisfaction.” We here at EscarpmentViews appreciate the Bruce Trail Conservancy and are happy to celebrate its achievements.

     We’re also pleased to have been interviewed by Masthead Magazine about our launch of Escarpment Views. They published their report in both the print issue and online. We thank them for giving us this honour.

     Do you have information about local fresh food programs in your area? What’s your favourite stretch of the Bruce Trail?

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Editor & Co-publisher:
Gloria Hildebrandt

Co-publisher & Accounts Manager:
Mike Davis

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50 Ann St., Georgetown ON L7G 2V2