Mike recently picked up a brochure from the Town of Caledon, called Explore Caledon’s Trails and Bikeways. It has a useful map of Caledon, showing the locations of trails and features of interest. It includes this description of the Niagara Escarpment:
“Where visible, the Escarpment is a massive forested ridge that extends 1,100 km from western New York to Niagara Falls, across southern Ontario, up the Bruce Peninsula, under the waters of Georgian Bay to Manitoulin Island, and down the western shore of Lake Michigan. The process that created the Escarpment began more than 400 million years ago when the limestone and sandstone formed. These geological events are responsible for a myriad of specialized habitats where diverse plants and animals thrive. Recognized as one of Canada’s more significant land formations, the Escarpment was designated as a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve in 1990.”
Well done, Caledon, for this complete information!
The brochure also promotes Caledon’s portions of the Trans Canada Trail, Caledon Trailway, The Bruce Trail and Humber Valley Heritage Trail. All these trails make sense of the brochure’s title. There’s plenty to explore in Caledon.