We are pleasantly surprised that the local paper, The Independent and Free Press, has today published Mike Davis’s letter to the editor in response to the entire front page coverage of his shoulder dislocation while photographing the Egg Nog Jog. (See our blog posting & the many comments about this, dated Dec. 16.) Surprised, because they haven’t always published critical letters. Gloria Hildebrandt has had this experience. To be fair to the paper, we’re acknowledging what they’ve done. They also published a letter from the secretary of the Egg Nog Jog, who wrote “I’d hate to think that our recent Egg Nog Jog will be remembered by the unfortunate fall taken by fellow club member Mike Davis — so boldly featured on the front page of the Dec. 17 issue.”
We’re printing Mike’s letter here, because it will be difficult to find on their site in a few days. Here’s Mike’s letter as they published it:
Photographer says it’s good to focus on safety
Tuesday January 6 2009
Dear editor,
I am the photographer you managed to snap during the Egg Nog Jog on Dec. 14 (Dec. 17 Independent & Free Press).
Many also know me as a former town councillor and now as the principal photographer and co-publisher of Escarpment Views magazine. Thank you for filling up the front page with my accident. It seems I can still make the news!
To give you more information, I had been asked by the Georgetown Runners to photograph the event. I am known for going the extra distance to get great shots, and this time I miscalculated.
Yes, I was far too close to the start of the race, and waited far too long to get that last great shot before getting out of the way.
By the way, the perspective of your photo is misleading. I was a fair distance back from the start line, but not far enough. Your photographer did the wise thing by taking the safe way out and standing far back.
Our readers tell us that they love my photographs. But the lesson I’ve learned is to focus on safety as well as great photos.
Mike Davis,
1 Comment
……and they even left in that he is photographer and co-publisher of Escarpment Views magazine! You must be hurting them somehow and they’re playing nicey, nicey. Perhaps the Independent, knowing the quality of your magazine, is looking for your readers’ respect to rub off, onto them.
Barbara Jennings
Erin ON