While watching The National on TV last night, I was struck by the discussion about our Prime Minister proroguing Parliament again, and the question of what citizens think about it, whether they’re rising up and objecting.
The topic came up earlier yesterday at a family birthday celebration, and all of us there expressed concern. We had also previously been talking about Nazi Germany, and it was easy to think of Hitler’s actions after being elected.
I have also had emails before now, about this latest act of our Prime Minister, from friends and associates who are not normally given to political commentary, all alarmed, displeased or cynically amused at what has happened. I believe that even when the Olympic excitement is over, we will remember this as an attempt to trick us with bread and circuses.
So the answer to Peter Mansbridge’s commentators’ question is yes, citizens are upset and talking. Consider this blog post one more expression of disapproval.
And whatever you think, your comments on this are important to the national discussion. I wonder what the Niagara Escarpment community thinks about it. Why not share your opinion here? It can’t hurt; it may help.

I think the Prime Minister’s proroguing of parliament is both cynical and dangerous to Canadian democracy. The Facebook group, Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament, http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=info&ref=search&gid=260348091419 currently has107,066 members and is continuing to grow rapidly.
I’m afraid that if Harper isn’t careful, the Americans will invade Canada to throw out the oppressive dictator and his henchmen, restoring democracy to our nation. Apparently Cheney and Bush have been secretly meeting with Obama to set up invasion plans – as well as to establish a new internment camp on an island in Frobisher Bay, where suspected Harper confidantes may be ice-water-boarded, interrogated and kept far from the American justice system. Jean Chretien has been reported to be making plans to return to Ottawa as interim leader while the Americans mop up the last pockets of Harper-ite resistance. I’m sure we will all be celebrating in the streets and seeking a statue of Harper to pull down. Can’t wait!
John Savage – Sheguiandah
While watching that interview on The National, I was awestruck by what Harper perceives to be his sense of entitlement. Somehow he feels that it’s his right to call “snow days” and halt the democratic process, just because there is necessary questioning on recently discovered events. In addition,for reasons known only to him, his party can’t “recalibrate” while parliament is sitting. As a byproduct of these incessant control tactics, “proroguing” has now become part of the average Canadians vocabulary.
It is becoming abundantly clear that if our current Prime Minister doesn’t like the rules of the game that’s being played, he’ll simply take his bat and ball and go home. That’ll teach us!
Will we rise up and try to overturn his decision? Will the PM pay any attention to the Facebook group? Probably not on both counts.
Politicians are expected to work on the country’s problems or issues. They were elected to that job. They can’t just “take their toys and go home”.
I voted for Harper, and I am dismayed with this manoeuvre.
In the next election I will have to vote otherwise; he doesn’t seem to want to govern.
Barbara Jennings
Continuing with good humour – I would like to stick a plate of cottage cheese and potato PIEROGIES into Mr. Harper’s face for PROROGUING the parliament for no reason at all. “My way or no way” attitude is arrogant and a notion that there is nobody to stand up to him is depressing.