Inspired by… Exhibition Forced Online

     Inspired by …  is the Headwaters Arts recent show which closed prematurely due to Covid-19.  Its glorious kaleidoscope of talent and artistic treasures has moved to our website as our first Virtual GALLERY TOUR. It remains an online exhibition through May 12.

    Click on this link, , and meet the muses or source of inspiration for several Headwaters Arts members.

The natural world as magnified, abstracted, or a lingering mood is explored in these pieces. Likewise, the human figure, as captured by environmental photography or in impressionistic landscapes, is a prominent influence for some members. 

“I am inspired completely by the complexities of hands .. . (they) hold clues …” says sculptor, Wendy Reid

Colour, rich and full, texture, both visual and tactile, swelling forms, and strong lines are elemental and joyfully used.  Enjoy sculpture, acrylics, mixed media, photography, textile art, and a soupcon of the surreal with a nod to the animal world.

For information on the pieces in the current show, please use which the Gallery Coordinators monitor on a regular basis to facilitate any sales of the artwork and answer any other inquires of a more general nature.

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Gloria Hildebrandt

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