We just received a notice in the mail from Environment Canada, that they are proposing a Recovery Strategy to conserve the threatened Jefferson Salamander. Areas of critical habitat, which are important for species recovery, are proposed in this strategy. Lands near the Niagara Escarpment are especially hospitable for salamanders and of course most other species. Comments are requested on the proposed strategy, by May 25, 2015. If you’re interested, wade through the report or get to it from www.sararegistry.gc.ca. I had to search for the term “Recovery Strategy for the Jefferson Salamander.” And if you’d like more info about the Jeff and how it lives and reproduces, see Don Scallen’s in-depth feature article he did for us in Spring 2014: https://www.neviews.ca/Samples/26%20salamander.pdf .
Oh, and let us know what you think!