Editorial Guidelines


Good writers should query us with great ideas close to the Niagara Escarpment in Canada. Good topics include noteworthy houses, impressive gardens, outdoor sports and activities, local history, local wild plants and animals, noble community efforts and individuals’ achievements. We want to explore the best of what’s located in Escarpment country and we need contributors who are based all along it. But please be sure not to send ideas that we have already used. See our Back Issues to be sure your ideas are new. Click the covers to see the contents.

We pay professional freelance writers 40 cents a word. Feature articles are 1,000 words.


We need beautiful photographs to illustrate our articles, and pay $10 per photo we use, up to 10 photos.
For our double-page centre spread in each issue, we pay $100. To have photographs considered for this, first contact the editor.

Commissioned Articles

We do not pay for unsolicited articles. Contact us first with your ideas.
If we commission you to develop a feature for us, we will work with you on an outline for suitable content.

Editorial Integrity

We follow the highest journalistic practices, especially that of editorial integrity. We do not permit our interview subjects to read our work before publication. We do not publish marketing materials, and therefore do not require or accept their approval prior to publication.

Fact Checking

We ask our contributors to be factually correct. It is permissible to ask interview subjects to confirm specific facts, but not to give their context. You can check your facts by telephone or email, by isolating the facts from your article. Do not send any part, or your complete draft article to anyone but the editor of Niagara Escarpment Views.


Materials published by Niagara Escarpment Views (NEV) remain the property of the copyright holders with these exceptions: we purchase first Canadian serial rights in English, plus digital rights. Work commissioned or developed by the publishers must not be published elsewhere, in print or electronically, until after the three-month current date of the issue in which it is to appear. Electronic or digital use of this work by other online publishers must be arranged with the consent of NEV, and will include not republishing anything until after its three-month current date, and adding the publishing credit “This article was first published in Niagara Escarpment Views” with a link to the NEV website.
The magazine is affiliated with Access Copyright.

Publication Schedule

Our issues are distributed:

  • late February
  • late May
  • late August
  • late November

We work far in advance and need queries at least three months ahead of time. Seasonal articles may need to be worked on as much as a year before. Contact Gloria Hildebrandt, Editor, first with your idea and description of your background.

How to Write Effectively for Magazines

Read a short article of tips for professional magazine writing, by Gloria Hildebrandt.