Alton Mill Art Exhibition: Home Ground

On the weekend, Mike, my sister Barbara and I were happy to go to the Alton Mill for the opening reception for Home Ground. This is an exhibition by The Art Group (TAG), which is made up of five Headwaters artists: Diana Hillman (landscapes), Susan Powell (watercolours), Pam Purves (photography), Hugh Russel (sculpture in wood), and Ian Sinclair (Adirondack-inspired rustic furniture). 
     Here’s what they say about their exhibition: “Home Ground” is often defined as “an area of special strength or competence.” To the artists that make up TAG, Home Ground also refers to places dear to their hearts. TAG was formed earlier this year by these five artists who have worked and shown together for the past few years. Their common ground is a commitment to excellence, a respect for traditional skills, and an interest in exploring new takes on old artistic media. All five also call the Hills of Headwaters and the Niagara Escarpment home.”
     The show “Home Ground” runs until July 4. The exhibition has a variety of wonderful works and the gallery is located in a wonderful revamped old mill, full of interesting spaces to explore and treasures to discover. There’s also a small cafe to let you refuel.
     Alton Mill Gallery is in the village of Alton, just north of Erin and is worth the drive for a delightful afternoon.
     What kind of art do you like, and what is your favourite place to see or buy it?

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