This is a fun experiment for us. We have two free tickets to give away for the Dec. 17 concert in Guelph by Amy Sky and Marc Jordan. Also performing will be Dan Hill, with much less hair than he had as I remember him from my university days. (How is it that we’ve gone grey or bald […]Read More
Tags : arts & entertainment
We’re entering the musical season, when community groups and professional organizations all along the Niagara Escarpment perform pre-Christmas concerts. The Georgetown Choral Society will present “A Candlelight Christmas” on Dec. 4 & 5 at Georgetown Christian Reformed Church. I used to be a member of this large choir. With as many as 110 members, […]Read More
The smell is other worldly: a mixture of beeswax candles and rose incense. A heavenly scent that hits you when you enter the church. And when the priests greet you in the traditional manner of laying cheek to cheek, twice, perhaps three times, you’re engulfed in yet more scent of roses. The priests anoint […]Read More
Here’s some interesting arts news I received, but its timeframe doesn’t let us publish it in the magazine — it came too late for our winter issue, but will be over before our spring issue comes out. VSA arts wants people around the world to get out their art supplies and create a visual […]Read More
Last weekend we saw our theatre columnist Seana McKenna in a performance about the lives and work of Robert and Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms. She read the narration while Susan Platts sang German Lieder to Rena Sharon’s piano accompaniment. Mike had invited his Aunt Mac to this, so we picked her up […]Read More
Opera Hamilton began its 30th anniversary season this weekend with a production of Johann Strauss’s fun and flighty Die Fledermaus. A rather silly tale of a stale marriage enlivened by flirtation, with a social-climbing chambermaid, a strange Russian prince and a revenge-seeking friend, it’s full of recognizable music that gets the audience swaying and […]Read More
Yikes! I’m just back from giving an interview at Erin Radio to Erin Montgomery on her show, Erin Eye Opener. I think I sounded awkward, and I know that I made some mistakes. It was a real conversation as you might have with anyone, with throat clearings and mispronounced words and lost trains […]Read More
Guitar music and laughter filled Theatre Orangeville last night as The Arrogant Worms added an Escarpment town to their summer tour. Chris Patterson, Trevor Strong and Mike McCormick, dubbed “Canada’s Clown Princes of Musical Comedy,” performed their humorous and satirical songs, which are winning them a cult following. From their “We Are the Beaver,” […]Read More
Seana McKenna just pointed out a feature article about her performance as Medea, in which she refers to our magazine! The article by Alison Broverman appears in today’s National Post, but in case it will get buried by future issues, here’s the text of the article: “Vengeance and a good cup of tea” No one […]Read More
Medea opened yesterday in Toronto’s Canon Theatre and as a gift to cast members, Seana McKenna had shirts made with “How Do You Solve A Problem Like Medea?” written across a bloody-looking letter “M.” This is, of course, a nod to the Mirvish production of The Sound of Music, whose lead was cast by […]Read More