Got a call early this morning from a man who said he really enjoyed our magazine. He picked up a copy at one of the Picard’s Peanuts locations and thought we did a beautiful job on the Manitoulin Island feature. He said he has 50 campers going to the Island for two weeks and they would be interested in the magazine. He called to ask us if it would be all right if he took say 10 copies from several pick-up locations, to give to the campers. He didn’t want to take too many and clear out copies from our advertisers. He said he’s sure the campers will give our Manitoulin Island advertisers some business. He said he’s in business himself and usually people call to bitch, so he wanted to call and say the magazine is beautiful and we did a wonderful job.
This was a fine start to the day! I didn’t ask for his comments as a formal testimonial, because in my experience, when people call us, they don’t want to write everything they just said. But this was such a lovely, detailed conversation, that I wanted to record it somehow.
To be honest, we hear this sort of thing all the time. We can’t capture every comment as a testimonial, because that’s all we’d be able to do! Sometimes, we don’t have pen and paper, as when we’re on The Bruce Trail and meet hikers who love the magazine. But we’ve been told we should keep documenting these conversations, so I’ll try.
It’s gratifying that the crazy amount of hard work we put into producing high-quality magazine journalism, and not simply filling our pages with advertorial or free promotional writing, is being appreciated by our readers.