“If you go down to the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise.”
This line from the song “The Teddy Bear’s Picnic,” – correct me if I’m wrong – went through my head as Mike and I took a short stretch of The Bruce Trail at Limehouse recently to meet members of the Georgetown Choral Society (GCS). I should mention that Escarpment Views has been a patron of GCS for a few years, and that I, Gloria, am a former member. I sang alto, or at least tried to keep up.
As promised, there they were waiting for us, about half the 100-member choir, all in red choir T-shirts, waiting patiently among the rocks of the Niagara Escarpment for Mike to photograph them.

Even long-time (35 years this year) choral director A. Dale Wood played along. He’s in the front of the rather formal photos. Dale also directs the Achill Choral Society, another Escarpment-area group, in addition to five Georgetown choruses for children and youth.

Casual hikers might have wondered at the sound of “Oh Canada” echoing through the forest when the choir began singing. There’s no avoiding songs when choir members assemble. Anyone who came upon the choir members would have been astonished by the army of red shirts.

The occasion was the 40th anniversary of the GCS which is being celebrated all this year. The photograph was choir member Laurent Thibault’s idea. He thought that our readers would enjoy seeing the choir posed among the rock and moss of the Niagara Escarpment. A different photo than the ones posted here, will be in our Autumn issue, available around Sept. 1.
The next GCS concert will be “40 Years – Let’s Celebrate!” on Oct. 21 & 22 at the Georgetown Christian Reformed Church featuring guest soloists Mark Dubois and Alana Bridgewater.
Oh, the choir members, Mike and I went on to a member’s house with a fantastic view from the Niagara Escarpment, to have a BBQ, not a teddy bear’s picnic.
Like what you see here? Like what you hear when they sing?
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This photo session was great fun. The bugs were not too bad and the choir members with limited mobility gamely climbed over rocks and other obstacles to get the best location for the pictures. Thanks to EV for their patience and continuing support for the choir.