We’re happy with the evaluation that Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) has just made of our 14-acre property close to the Niagara Escarpment. Here are parts of their assessment: the property contains significant woodlands and may contain or provide habitat for a known Species-at-Risk. It is traversed by a tributary of Snow Creek and contains a floodplain, valley slope, wetland and watercourse.
When Charles and Ursula Hildebrandt bought the property in 1964, it was a rocky grazed-over cattle pasture. Charles worked hard to let it regenerate and planted rare and native plant species. He made a few mistakes, of course, but he combined the wild natural and the tended parts so seamlessly that an insurance adjuster once declared it a park. This was after a neighbour’s fire ran out of control years ago and spread widely, damaging some of Charles’ property. So he would be pleased that CVC has given a nod to his work. Now it’s up to those who come after, to honour his legacy and protect and nurture this natural space for the present and future.
Do you have a piece of property you love?
Yes, that was a great effort and kept a very special place special. Amazing what nature will do with a little help.
You have seen a vast amount of land worth protecting, Bob. And I take heart that Nature will triumph in the end. Humans are part of Nature after all. See how the contaminated lands near Chernobyl have become wildlife sanctuaries! Nature can restore anything, it seems, if left alone. Giving some help makes it regenerate faster.
My friend Sarah Yates, who had trouble adding a comment, sent this kind note: “Gloria, your father could not have found a better ground keeper for his treasured 14 acres. I know you will treasure and care for it. I look forward to seeing it again. Sarah”